"Moving Forward"


Choosing a career can be a very difficult decision. Young people have to make career choices as early as high school and before entering universities or college. For those already in post-secondary education these decisions, if not made well, can be costly and start them down a career path that is unrewarding. At such an early age this is a stressful decision for young adults and one in which parents are often intricately involved.

Adult career transition is very much the norm today with many adults involved in different careers during their work life. Adults can find these transitions especially challenging factoring financial and family responsibilities in addition to the desire to find fulfillment in their choice of career.

In order to have a meaningful, engaging career, we have to bring our interests, talents and passions together in a productive, engaging vision. Understanding your character is essential to the process of selecting the right career. With our partner Optimax Human Performance we provide their Character Assessment tool for CAREER ORIENTATION that considers a person's character profile. In addition, Optimax is able to predict at what stage in a person's life certain career choices might be better than others. No other known assessment tool will provide you this insight and capability.

It's true that career choices which align with your character profile will provide you with the greatest level of job satisfaction, less personal stress and the most effective channeling of energy into productive activities.

Other Career Services could Include:

Resume Consultation, Career Planning, Job Hunting Strategies, Interview Skills.
For more information please contact: mailto:info@theavantigroup.ca

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"There is a place in the world that only you can fill."